10 Surprising Facts About Non-Veg Food That Will Make You Think Twice not to be non-veg
  • Meat has stuff like protein that can upset your stomach and cause problems like acidity and constipation.
  • Eating meat, especially red and processed kinds, might make you more likely to get certain cancers like colorectal, prostate, breast, and kidney cancer.
  • The animals we get meat from might have antibiotics, hormones, and other chemicals in them, and that can mess with your immune system, hormones, and overall health.
  • Meat has a lot of cholesterol and fats that can make you gain weight and get sick with things like heart disease, diabetes, and other long-term problems.
  • Sometimes, meat can have bad things like bacteria, parasites, and viruses that can make you sick or cause diseases.
  • Raising animals for meat isn’t great for the environment—it takes up a lot of land, water, and energy, and it makes greenhouse gases, deforestation, and animal suffering worse.
  • Eating meat isn’t really fair to animals—it involves killing them, using them, and hurting them just so we can eat, and that’s not very kind or fair.
  • Eating meat might not match with your beliefs, values, or traditions, and it could affect how you feel mentally and emotionally.
  • Meat can be more expensive than plant-based foods, and it might make you pay more for medical stuff, taxes, and subsidies.
  • You don’t actually need to eat meat to get all the good stuff your body needs. You can get protein, iron, calcium, and vitamin B12 from plants, supplements, and fortified foods.