Why You Should Never Sleep with a Room Heater On - The Shocking Truth About CO, Dry Skin, and Fire Hazards

Why You Should Never Sleep with a Room Heater On - The Shocking Truth About CO, Dry Skin, and Fire Hazards

  1. Carbon Monoxide Danger:
    • Room heaters can make more carbon monoxide (CO) in the room, which is a harmful gas that can lead to sleep death.
    • CO can stop blood from going to the brain, causing bleeding and even death.
    • People with heart problems, smokers, kids, and older adults are more at risk.
  2. Skin and Eye Issues:
    • Room heaters can make your skin dry, eyes irritated, and may cause allergies.
    • Too much heat from heaters takes away moisture in the room, which can make your skin itchy, red, and swollen.
    • Dry eyes can lead to conjunctivitis or pink eye.
  3. Fire Risk:
    • Room heaters can be dangerous if not used the right way.
    • Don’t keep anything that can catch fire near the heater, like paper, bedding, or furniture.
    • Put the heater on a hard, non-flammable surface, not on carpets or wood.
    • Keep pets and kids away and never leave it alone. Always turn it off before leaving the room or going to bed.

To stay safe:

  • Use Heaters Wisely:
    • Only use heaters when you really need them, not for too long.
    • Keep a mug of water nearby to add moisture to the room.
    • Ventilate the room often to prevent too much CO.
    • Choose the right type of heater for your room, like convection, conduction, or fan heaters.