Don’t Let These 7 types of Foods that Ruin Your Hair

Don’t Let These 7 types of Foods that Ruin Your Hair

Sugar: Sugar can make your body inflamed, which can mess up the hair growth cycle and harm the hair follicles. Sugar can also boost the making of androgens, which are hormones that can cause hair loss in both men and women. Try not to have too much refined sugar, sweets, candies, sodas, and other sugary foods and drinks.

Fried foods: Fried foods have a lot of unhealthy fats that can increase inflammation and stress in your body. These can affect how blood moves around and brings nutrients to your scalp and hair. Try not to eat a lot of fried foods, like fries, chips, nuggets, and doughnuts.

High-glycemic index foods: High-glycemic index foods are the ones that make your blood sugar and insulin levels go up quickly. These foods can also increase the making of androgens and start hair loss. Try not to eat too many foods high in carbohydrates or starches, like white bread, pasta, rice, cakes, cookies, and cereals.

Alcohol: Alcohol can get in the way of your body taking in and using important nutrients, like iron, zinc, and protein, that help your hair stay healthy. Alcohol can also dry out your body and make your hair dry, break easily, and prone to breakage. Drink alcohol in moderation or don’t drink it at all.

Diet soda: Diet soda has an artificial sweetener called aspartame, which can hurt the hair follicles and lead to hair loss. Aspartame can also mess with your hormone levels and immune system, making your hair problems worse. Stay away from diet sodas and other things with aspartame or other artificial sweeteners.

Junk food: Junk food usually has a lot of saturated and trans fats, salt, sugar, and preservatives that can hurt your hair health. Junk food can also make you gain weight, and that can raise the chance of having problems with your hormones and inflammation, which can lead to hair loss. Try not to eat too much junk food, like burgers, pizzas, hot dogs, and chips.

Processed foods: Processed foods usually don’t have many good nutrients and have a lot of additives, chemicals, and artificial colors that can mess with your hair health. Processed foods can also have a lot of sodium, which can make your body keep water and cause swelling, reducing blood flow to your scalp and hair. Try not to eat too many processed foods, like canned foods, frozen meals, deli meats, and cheese.